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Title III

Title III - Language Instruction for English Learners

Title III is a 100% federally funded supplemental program that concentrates on delivering language instruction educational programs to students who have a primary language other than English. This program is designed to improve the education of limited English proficient (LEP) children and youths by helping them learn English and meet challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards. The program also provides enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youths. 

Tuscarora School District's Title III funds are used to finance supplemental educational services through the Lincoln Intermediate Unit. This consortium assists the district in meeting the staffing, resource, and professional development needs of our English Language Learners. TSD currently employs one LIEP Teacher who coordinates accommodations, instruction, and assessment of students who have a primary language other than English


Director of Curriculum

Federal Programs Coordinator

Dr. Michelle Hall 717-328-3127 x1002

Dr. Mike Mele 717-328-3127 x1003


School Psychologist

Ms. Brittany Thierwechter 717-328-3127 x 5322

Ms. Danielle Martin 717-328-3127 x5326


Superintendent of Schools

Mr. Rodney Benedick 717-328-3127 x 1000


LIEP/ESL Teacher:

Ms. Emily Strite 717-328-3127 x 7094


Mercersburg 717-328-3127 x3000

Mt. View 717-328-3127 x6000

St. Thomas 717-328-3127 x7000

Middle School 717-328-3127 x4000

High School 717-328-3127 x5000



Kathryn Gallagher, Supervisor

Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) Services

Lincoln Intermediate Unit 12

65 Billerbeck Street, PO Box 70

New Oxford, PA 17350

Office: 717-624-6453